VR will be part of Our Future Life, Here’s How VR become more interactive

VR will be part of Our Future Life, Here’s How VR become more interactive

Virtual reality or VR is the prime example of the technological advancements happened in the last few years. These modern gadgets have taken the digital experience to a new height whether it's gaming, Movie, music, or any other type of content. The hype of VR has gained such height that even the major tech names like Google, Facebook, Valve, and HTC are partaking in the VR race. As a result, we have seen drastic improvements in this field; both hardware and software-wise! Especially for the last few years, VR devices with improved design and newer features are coming in regularly. With new developments, the potential application of these immersive devices expanded into other sectors, namely: Medical, Aeronautic Engineering, Automobile Industry, and many more. So in this article, we will discuss modern VR.

What is VR?

VR stands for Virtual Reality. This refers to a lineup of specialized devices that lets the user experience virtual content in a way that would feel like a real-life experience. Usually, these devices are available in the form of wearable gadgets like a headset or glass. Using these devices allows the user to experience digital content in a surreal way whether it’s a game, a movie, or anything similar. The user experience can be described as a virtual interactive simulation where they can interact with the elements of the virtual environment. Even though VR was initially invented for entertainment purposes; the latest tech improvements made it good enough to be used in the Professional, medical, and commercial industries.

Different types of Virtual Reality VR devices are available Right Now!

Currently, there are a wide variety of VR devices available with differences in design and functionality. So When we talk about VR experience, it might be worth pausing to think of whether you'd prefer a standalone, PC, console, or smartphone VR experience. Because This decision might make or break the whole experience.

Standalone VR

They are Also Known as all-in-one VR headsets. A standalone VR is a single headphone Shaped device. The user wears it on their head and The VR Content is shown directly on the headset. Standalone VR can play supported content from the web or from the onboard storage. These VR headsets are wireless and don't require a PC, smartphone, or any other type of external equipment. They can deliver a moderate quality of video, graphics, and refresh rates, meaning a less immersive experience. Oculus Quest 2 is an ideal example of a Standalone VR.


PC VR is also a headset just like the Standalone VR. But the headset is always connected to a gaming PC and the contents are played directly from the PC. but not all gaming PC can handle a PC VR and hereby, has to meet certain specifications as a high-end gaming computer. But while it might appear less than practical, PC VR headsets will deliver a superior VR experience with clear graphical detail for a more immersive and dynamic experience. A major example of PC VR includes Valve Index and HTC Vive.

Console VR

Console VR is just like a PC VR but it works exclusively on the modern Gaming Consoles. When it comes to this particular segment, PlayStation VR is the leading option. PSVR headsets work with PS4 and PS5 consoles and feature an extensive gaming and movie library. A particular draw might be the exclusive titles offered by Sony like Resident Evil, Blood and Truth, and Iron Man VR. XBOX VR may not have a rich library like the PS one but even they also have a few AAA titles namely: Resident evil 7 and No man’s Sky.

Smartphone VR

These VR headsets are designed specifically for smartphones. Of all the headsets are by far; the easiest one is the Smartphone VR. All that users have to do is slide their smartphones into the headset’s front and they can start their VR experience. However, these headsets can't run the vast majority of VR assets, including interactive VR content and games alongside advanced audio and motion tracking features other VR headsets offer.

Unique Features show why VR devices will be a part of our future!

Back in the 1960s, the handheld cinemascope was the first ancestor of modern VR. But we have come a long way since then. Modern VR has improved significantly and has implemented a wide variety of features in them. Many of these seem like they are straight out of Science fiction. Here we will point out a few of the unique features that modern VR headsets are equipped with. Here we will point out a few They show how much these devices have advanced. Here we will point out a few unique features of the VR devices

Interpupillary (IPD) Measuring

IPD measures the distance between your pupils and most VR headsets can be customized to fit a range through either hardware or software adjustment. This allows the user to experience any VR content as if it is happening in their natural sight range.

Realistic Display Panel

Modern VR headsets have Realistic Display Panels. These panels can deliver picture quality up to 4K resolution. Some hi-end VR devices use OLED panels for increased color contrast and vividity. Although many of the best options today still use hi-quality LCD. In both cases, the image delivered looks and feels very realistic and natural as if it's happening in real life.

Field of view (FOV)

The Average field of view among the best VR is around 100 degrees, with variances running around 10 degrees either way. The higher the field of view, the more you're going to be able to see around you, and the better the headset will recreate natural human vision. When the VR headset is used then, you will get adjustability for FOV reading from 100 to 110 degrees; which will let you scale the virtual environment according to your vision.

Movement Tracking

Cheaper VR headsets use onboard cameras to track their placement, and your heads, within a virtual world. However, more specialist devices often employ additional hardware like tracking bases to set up room-scale tracking with far greater accuracy. So you can game on a headset with onboard tracking. These tracking methods enabled the user to utilize accurate gesture and motion controls without actually needing a controller.

Published Date : 2024-04-04